Narromine Shire Family Health Centre
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Morning/Same-Day Appointments - from 9:00am to 12:30pm
These appointments are for people who are not well and need to see a doctor that day only.
Please phone from 8:45am on 02 6889 1622
Afternoon appointments - from 2:00pm to 5:00pm
These appointments are pre-booked appointments for care of existing problems eg repeat Prescriptions, Referrals, Medicals and Work Cover.
We are closed all Public Holidays
We ask patients to re-book prescription appointments, as you leave the medical centre. These appointments are able to be booked months in advance.
Our standard appointments are 15 minutes long and 1 – 2 issues can be discussed in this time. Should you have more issues to discuss with your doctor, please advise our Receptionist at the time of booking so that a longer appointment can be made.
Only 1 patient can be seen per standard consultation, please book separate appointments for each family member.
We endeavor to book your appointment with the doctor of your choice however, should the doctor be unavailable, we will offer an alternative doctor, as appropriate.
If you are unable to attend any appointments, we request that you please call to cancel your appointment, giving as much notice as possible. This will enable us to offer the appointment to someone else. As a courtesy, you will receive a text message reminder the day before your appointment requesting you to call if you are unable to attend.
There are occasions where the doctor may run late for your appointment. This could be for several reasons - they may be delayed with a complicated case, there may be a patient emergency, or if a patient arrives late. We thank you for your patience and understanding - our Reception staff will always keep you updated when a doctor or nurse is delayed.
Please advise reception if during your consult you are needing paperwork filled out for a driving medical, insurance medicals, case conferences, NDIS and Centrelink forms or you are due for a cervical screen as these require a longer appointment time.
Our practice has access to TIS (translating and Interpreting Service) and Auslan Services ( Sign Language Interpreter). If you would like to have an interpreter whilst you are with the doctor please advise staff upon booking your appointment. You will be asked your preferred language.
If you are unable to attend your appointment, please call the Medical Centre to either cancel or reschedule.
Patients with respiratory illnesses e.g. - COUGH, SORE THROAT, RUNNY NOSE, FEVER, HAYFEVER SYMPTOMS
MUST NOT attend the practice unless they have had a negative COVID test the morning of your appointment.
Are available for regular patients of this practice in exceptional circumstances. For more information please speak to the reception staff.
Attended weekly
DNA (Does Not Attend) Policy
As with many other medical practices, the GP's are experiencing a high level of demand for their services making it increasingly difficult for patients to get a routine appointment with their usual provider.
Patients who do not attend a booked appointment adversely impact practice staff and patients.
If the appointment has been missed or cancelled with little to no notice, therefore too late to offer the appointment to another needful patient this increases the waiting time for patients needing to book an appointment.
Our Policy
A DNA occurs when:
An appointment is not attended by the booked patient
The patient fails to contact the practice in advance to cancel or reschedule
The patient calls to cancel with not enough notice (2 hours is required)
A $65 non Medicare rebatable fee will apply to a patient when;
A patient/family DNA’s three times within a 12 month period. The patient will then be blocked from making future appointments until the account is settled.