Narromine Shire Family Health Centre
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As part of chronic disease management we often put in place a management plan to work towards achieving your health goals. There are two parts of a management plan for patients with a chronic condition:
•A GP Management Plan
•A Team Care Arrangement
GP Management Plans are for any patient with a chronic condition. This is defined as a condition likely to last, or having lasted, longer than 6 months. A GP Management Plan involves you, your GP and the practice nurse who with your consent and assistance, form a written plan of management outlining your care. Your medical, physical, psychological and social needs are all considered during the development of the plan.
Together you will decide:
•What your health care problems and needs are
•What results you would like to achieve through the plan
•What, if any, other health care and community services you need
GP Management Plans can be prepared every twelve months, and are reviewed every 3 months.
A Team Care Arrangement is a plan that involves your GP and 2 other health care providers or allied health workers. This may be done in addition to a GP Management Plan. In much the same way as a GP Management Plan, a Team Care Arrangement works to improve your health by identifying and targeting long-term health issues.
If you are eligible for a TCA, you should be eligible for some subsidised visits to Allied Health Professionals that would be beneficial to your overall health and wellbeing.
For more information please book an appointment to speak with your regular GP